(630) 750-2311

Have you ever received a sign from The Universe?  You knew there was no way it was a coincidence.  The Universe was speaking to you.  It might have been hard to explain to someone else, but you just knew.  So you give The Universe a slight smile and nod.  This is how you develop a beautiful relationship with this amazing Universe.

If you have not received a sign, that is okay too.  I am going to tell you how to do it.  As usual, I have a video you can watch below, or you can keep reading!


I have three steps to receiving signs from The Universe.  They are as follows:

  1.  Know the sign is coming.  Say the following prayer, “Thank you so much Universe for showing me that you support my dreams.”
  2. Forget about it.  The sign will not show up until you are not looking for it.  When it shows up, you will know for sure by how you feel about it.  You will feel surprised and amused.
  3. Acknowledge the sign when it shows up!  Tell The Universe thank you for supporting you!  (And tag me on social media!  The more you share it with like-minded people, the more it happens.)

It will be as if you stepped into a portal where you are in communion with The Universal power.  You will be tuned in to a higher frequency, a different vibration.

So what are the signs?  Well, it is personal to each and every individual.  Many times people will see triple digits.  You might hear a song on the radio.  Something that happens to me is I will be reading something and the exact word I am reading, I will hear on the radio, tv, or my husband will be saying it at the same time I am reading it.

All these are signs that show us that we are in sync.  The Universe is telling you to keep going.  Whatever you are thinking about or doing at the moment is in alignment with universal power.  If you keep going, you have the support of The Universe, and what you can accomplish is beyond your wildest dreams.    The Universe will catapult you into another dimension if you keep following the signs.

Do not get caught up on what specific numbers mean.  I can tell you some of what I have learned from triple numbers mostly from Doreen Virtue and Angel Numbers.  444 means the angels are supporting you.  777 means you are on the right track in every area of your life.  111 or 11:11 means to start whatever your current idea is!  666 means to keep your thoughts positive and watch your spending!


Now I want to talk for a second about what the signs DON’T mean.  I speak about a very personal experience in the video to exemplify this.

About seven years ago, I was in a relationship.  It was “the love that I thought would save me” as the Jim Croce song Operator so perfectly expresses.  This relationship taught me some of my most important life lessons.  It was a time in my life that I was very in tune to universal power.

I was struggling.  I asked The Universe to send me a sign.  I asked to hear one of two songs on the radio during my drive.  This would be the sign that I can relax because everything was going to be okay.

You see, to me at the time, everything being okay meant I would live happily ever after with this guy, because as I mentioned about, it was the love I thought would save me.  I got in the car, and the first song I mentioned was on the radio.  After that song ended, the second song I mentioned came on!  It was no coincidence.  The Universe was speaking very loudly to me.  It was telling me everything was going to be okay.

I have been through tragedy in my life.  I have lost people I care about in the most tragic ways.  I have loved and lost.  I have struggled with emotional issues.  And nothing came close to the love and pain I experienced in this relationship.

The problem was it was the love I thought would save me.  No love was going to save me.  The Universe was speaking loud and clear that it had my back no matter what.  This love was going to hurt me.  And The Universe was going to heal me.

My point is, The Universe is not going to tell you that this one love, or this one job, or this one (fill in the blank) is going to save you.  The Universe is going to tell you that your love is not dependent on any of these things, and that it will always take you to a higher place than you could go any other way.

It did for me.  And it ended up leading to to me to a higher love too.

Please try the 3 steps I mention above, and find the signs The Universe gives you!  Please share by commenting below or tagging me in social media!  And if you want help getting in the portal where The Universe supports you, please contact me for a life coaching package!  (The message you send in this form is private).  We got this!


Inner Peace,

Elizabeth Ceermak

Certified Master Coach

Your Highest Light, LLC


YouTube – Your Highest Light – Elizabeth Cermak 

Email – elizabeth@yourhighestlight.com

Instagram – Elizabeth_yourhighestlight

Phone – 630-750-2311